but secure in the knowledge that the feminine world you love is good and true and that you are a part of it, as it is a part of you a good and beautiful part of which you need not be ashamed in your heart. Sometimes I think to myself how absurd it is for the world to look askance at the man who wants to be a woman- in mind and heart if not in body. Is there something illegal about being a woman? Or is it just that the world is largely populated with hypocrites who, propose to ad- mire and revere women while really regarding them as some sort of inferior second-class being which no red- blooded male should stoop to emulate? Oh yes, it's fine for women to want to be men- that implies a big promo- tion in human status. But we the reverse? Heaven forbid!
Well girls, we have news for the men, haven't we? they're looking through the wrong end of the telescope and missing the Big picture!
Since I can't give you the why, perhaps I can convey the what, how, when and where about Kathryn Spencer.
I was born in what was then a small mid-western manufacturing center (shortly before the Income Tax Amendment) and my father was a Superintendent in one of the plants, on what I remember as a lower middle class salary. I was the first of three children, followed by a brother and a sister. Money was never plentiful, but we were never in want and when I was in high school I remember Dad buying me a used (and I mean "used") Model "T" Ford touring car from which I learned about the "innards" of the internal combustion engine and planetary transmissions. I was proud as punch when I got it to running again, painted it a violent yellow and green and took the other kids for a ride.
One of my friends was a radio ham and constantly tinkered with "crystal" sets. He was a couple of years older than I and one day when we had tired of the vague noises from the crystal set, he wound up the Victrola and played some records. His parents were away of them worked and one of the records he played was a dance tune. He suggested that I be the girl (he was taller and bigger) and we could dance, which we did Actually I remember enjoying the dancing (to this day